Sunday, September 4, 2011

Ode to a tablecloth

Tim and I went to Williamsburg for a few days to make up for our Austrian dream vacation being cancelled. One night, we ate dinner in downtown Williamsburg outside on the terrace. It was a very pretty tablescape at which we sat, complete with a romantic, flickering candle, a roundness of shape, and best of all, it was draped in a gorgeous tablecloth.

The tablecloth was yellow in color, with whimsical floral figures fluttering about. It was not one of those stiff plastic-y tablecloths that are loathsome (yet practical, I suppose); rather, it was composed of a delicate, lithe linen. This tablecloth left quite an impression on me. I felt privileged to dine in its presence. Its fancifulness and grace became mine for the evening. 

Why write so amorously about a tablecloth? That's a fine question, friend. It was simply beautiful to me and I  find it good to dwell on beautiful things.


  1. I love your description of the tablecloth and the dinner-it sounds lovely!

  2. Truly an excellent description of the table cloth! Was the food also delicious and fit to be served on such a fine table cloth? :-)
